Our medical community has lost the trust of those whom we are to serve. The greatest thing any physician can do is to live up to the idea that we must first do no harm. However, our society is feeling over drugged, over diagnosed and oft-time given the mindset that they will be in this condition for the rest of their life with no hope. They are prescribed medications which could potentially cause another medical challenge. This is not okay and in the long run, this can be causing harm. While we can agree there are times when medication is necessary, we can also agree that it is not necessary to have a medication for everything. So, after years of frustration with the medical system and the constant push of unnecessary medication, it was time to do something different. In 2009 The Ultimate Wellness Group was launched with the idea of helping people improve their health. Health is something we must actively pursue by educating ourselves and working diligently towards restoring and maintaining our total being. Our vision is:
· To be a resource to those dedicated to using nutrition as the foundation of their health journey.
· To support and educate those who desire to avoid unnecessary medications, invasive treatments, and procedures they view as dangerous.
· To provide continuous education to ensure you can make an informed decision.
· To provide an opportunity to future health care practitioners to partner with our team to bring society back to the root of healing.
If you are seeking this type of education and care, then you have found your team.
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